Quick Relatable Overview

Hello, my name is Zvi Band, and I am the creator and currently the benevolent dictator of Relatable. I am incredibly thankful that you've taken the time to set up your Relatable account.

Let's help you get the most out of it. This series of videos will help you learn the basics, understand some of our more advanced functionalities, but most importantly, learn how you can start leveraging Relatable to cultivate the relationships that matter to you, whether in your current job, career, or overall life.

Relatable is here to help you solve a very important problem: Who should I engage with? Who do I need to stay in touch with today? To accomplish that, we help you bring in all of your relationships and build that second brain. Then, we assist you in organizing and prioritizing those relationships. Finally, we help you identify who you should be engaging with at any given time and provide you with the tools to do so.

Sounds pretty simple? That's what Relatable is all about.


Now, to get set up, let's give you a quick walkthrough of what you might see on your Relatable Dashboard.

When you visit your dashboard, we will identify suggestions of who to reach out to. These might include fading relationships, and we'll demonstrate how that works shortly. It might be someone's birthday is coming up, they might have changed jobs and posted on LinkedIn, or other relevant events. Below that, you'll see a specific set of actions for people that you have decided you definitely want to reconnect with. All of this is available on your dashboard.


The database serves as your second brain for all the people that matter to you.

To add people to your database, simply add them to one sphere. We'll show you how to bring in relationships shortly. From there, you can do a variety of things such as adding birthdays, anniversaries, and related contacts, including their location for easier reference. You can also add links and store notes, reminders, and tasks you have on particular people. This database is a valuable resource, and we'll have a separate section of videos about what you can do with it. Remember, it serves as your second brain.


Now, if you're wondering, "Alright Zvi, I don't want to watch any more videos, just tell me what I need to do to get set up." Very simple. Go to Settings. Ensure that all of your appropriate accounts are connected, including Gmail, Work/Office 365, and LinkedIn with Relatable. You can also import a spreadsheet of contacts you've been managing manually or brought over from another CRM. Consider using Zapier as well. However, I usually recommend ensuring your email accounts and calendars are connected.


Relatable will help identify the relationships you've been engaging with that you may want to add to one or more spheres. Spheres are our way of organizing and prioritizing your relationships. We'll provide you with a few example spheres to start off with, but you can create, edit, move, and delete them as much as you'd like. To add someone to your database, simply add them to one or more spheres. Of course, if someone isn't important, you can dismiss them, but don't worry, we don't delete them entirely; you can bring them back. This feature helps you identify relationships that are starting to fade. For example, you can set your A-level contacts to stay in touch with monthly, and for those less important, change it to quarterly.

There's a lot more to Relatable, but it all begins with bringing your relationships in and organizing them into the right spheres. From there, Relatable will ensure you never forget about the relationships that matter.

Stay tuned for more videos where we show you much more of what you can do.